Tuesday, October 2, 2012


"Ngoma" is the majour tradional dance in Tanzania.Traditional dances come in a variety of stley including Omutoro,Amayago,Mulekule,Amakondele,Akasimbo,Mdundiko and so many others.These traditional songs differ in areas of origin and status,such as funeral ceremony songs,spiritual and wedding songs.

Tanzania's social fabric charm is the prime attraction for cultural and eco-tourism.The folklore,the traditional "Ngomas" and the dancing styles vary from one tribe to another .When dancing,the Makonde vibrates their bottoms in "Sindimba" and the"Zaramo" bounce the undulating "Mdundiko" procession.

The Maasai in their leaping dance going simultaneously with rythimic chant of their deep voices which can scare even a he lione! The use of live snakes by the "Sukuma" such as embracing huge pythons and struggling with during the "Bugobogobo" dance turn such as occasions into unforgettable scenes to a visitor.Each of the 120 tribes has its ngoma and dancing all of which styles are quite facinating and sometimes sexy.

Various dressing styles are also majour attraction to a visitor.The maasai men put a light toga-like drape inadequately covering their lithe bodies while carrying traditional weapons such as speaars,clubs and large knives.The Maasai women on the other way, heavily load their necks ,arms,legs and ears with jewelrly ranging from beads to metal ornaments.Usual men smear their bodies with Ochre mixed with animal fat and plait their hair.

Traditional dances in Tanzania also attract mostly the visitors from outside our coutry who are the tourists.Traditional dance should be promoted because most of the youth at present time engage them selves in dancing as their proffesion.

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